“Seamless surface mappings”

  • ©Noam Aigerman, Roi Poranne, and Yaron Lipman




    Seamless surface mappings

Session/Category Title:   Parameterization & Mapping




    We introduce a method for computing seamless bijective mappings between two surface-meshes that interpolates a given set of correspondences.A common approach for computing a map between surfaces is to cut the surfaces to disks, flatten them to the plane, and extract the mapping from the flattenings by composing one flattening with the inverse of the other. So far, a significant drawback in this class of techniques is that the choice of cuts introduces a bias in the computation of the map that often causes visible artifacts and wrong correspondences.In this paper we develop a surface mapping technique that is indifferent to the particular cut choice. This is achieved by a novel type of surface flattenings that encodes this cut-invariance, and when optimized with a suitable energy functional results in a seamless surface-to-surface map.We show the algorithm enables producing high-quality seamless bijective maps for pairs of surfaces with a wide range of shape variability and from a small number of prescribed correspondences. We also used this framework to produce three-way, consistent and seamless mappings for triplets of surfaces.


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