“Data-driven interactive quadrangulation”

  • ©Jin Huang, Ruotian Ling, Bert Juttler, Feng Sun, Hujun Bao, and Wenping Wang




    Data-driven interactive quadrangulation

Session/Category Title:   Meshing Around




    We propose an interactive quadrangulation method based on a large collection of patterns that are learned from models manually designed by artists. The patterns are distilled into compact quadrangulation rules and stored in a database. At run-time, the user draws strokes to define patches and desired edge flows, and the system queries the database to extract fitting patterns to tessellate the sketches’ interiors. The quadrangulation patterns are general and can be applied to tessellate large regions while controlling the positions of the singularities and the edge flow. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm through a series of live retopology sessions and an informal user study with three professional artists.


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