“Weighted Triangulations for Geometry Processing” by Goes, Memari, Mullen and Desbrun

  • ©Fernando de Goes, Pooran Memari, Patrick Mullen, and Mathieu Desbrun




    Weighted Triangulations for Geometry Processing

Session/Category Title:   Fields on Surfaces




    In this article we investigate the use of weighted triangulations as discrete, augmented approximations of surfaces for digital geometry processing. By incorporating a scalar weight per mesh vertex, we introduce a new notion of discrete metric that defines an orthogonal dual structure for arbitrary triangle meshes and thus extends weighted Delaunay triangulations to surface meshes. We also present alternative characterizations of this primal-dual structure (through combinations of angles, areas, and lengths) and, in the process, uncover closed-form expressions of mesh energies that were previously known in implicit form only. Finally, we demonstrate how weighted triangulations provide a faster and more robust approach to a series of geometry processing applications, including the generation of well-centered meshes, self-supporting surfaces, and sphere packing.


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