“Virtual fishtank” by Kaufman, Knep, Francois, Galyean and Koumbis
Interest Area:
- Application and VR / AR
- Virtual fishtank
Session/Category Title: Emerging Technologies
The Virtual Fishtank is a large, real-time 3D exhibit that immerses visitors in a fanciful undersea world where they create and interact with fish while learning about emergent behavior.
Additional Information:
Collaborators: Darrin Bascome, George Bird, David Friend, Sheri Galyean, Darrin Jewell, Pat Porter, Thomas Porter, Mitch Resnik, Karen Sideman, Oliver Strimpel, Scott Yu, David Zung.
1. 1 B. Blumberg, T. Galyean. Multi-level direction of autonomous creatures for real-time virtual environments. Computer Graphics (Annual SIGGRAPH 95 Proceedings). 47-54, 1995.
2. 2 K. Perlin, A. Goldberg. Improv: A system for scripting interactive actors in virtual worlds. Computer Graphics (Annual SIGGRAPH 96 Proceedings) 205-216, 1996.
3. 3 C. Reynolds. Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 87 Proceedings) 21(4): 25-34, 1987.