“Normal mapping with low-frequency precomputed visibility”

  • ©Michał Iwanicki and Peter-Pike Sloan




    Normal mapping with low-frequency precomputed visibility

Session/Category Title:   Real Fast Rendering



    Normal mapping, ubiquitous in video games, decouples details stored at high spatial frequencies, often tiled or repeated, from unique lighting information stored at a lower sampling rates. Our technique enables normal maps on static geometry to interact with soft shadows from smooth distant lighting more efficiently compared to previous work. The visibility function is represented using low-order spherical harmonics, and the product of the cosine function and the lighting environment is tabulated in textures, decoupling normal variation from visibility. PCA compresses the results and accelerate the computation.


    1. Ren, Z., Wang, R., Snyder, J., Zhou, K., Liu, X., Sun, B., Sloan, P.-P., Bao, H., Peng, Q., and Guo, B. 2006. Realtime soft shadows in dynamic scenes using spherical harmonic exponentiation. ACM Transactions on Graphics 25, 3 (July), 977–986.
    2. Sloan, P.-P., Kautz, J., and Snyder, J. 2002. Precomputed radiance transfer for real-time rendering in dynamic, low-frequency lighting environments. ACM Transactions on Graphics 21, 3 (July), 527–536.
    3. Sloan, P.-P. 2006. Normal mapping for precomputed radiance transfer. In ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, ACM Digital Library, 23–26.

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