“Non-Graphical Application of Hardware Accelerated Voxelization” by Beckhaus and Wind
Interest Area:
- Gaming & Interactive
- Non-Graphical Application of Hardware Accelerated Voxelization
Session/Category Title: Interaction Mechanisms
Voxelization is used in a number of applications, mainly in the field of volume graphics. We require it for a non-graphical application, the dynamic generation of animations for automatic presentation of models or scenes according to a user specified interest.1 In this sketch we present the utilization of hardware accelerated voxelization to generate voxelized object data keeping a reference to the unique, single objects. With this voxelization approach we are now able to employ our animation system in highly dynamic environments and with increased resolutions.
1. Beckhaus, S., Ritter, F., & Strothotte, T. (2000). Cubical path – dynamic potential fields for guided exploration in virtual environments. In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics, 387-395, October 2000.
2. Fang, S. & Chen, H. (2000). Hardware accelerated voxelization. In Computers and Graphics, 24(3): 433 – 442, June 2000.
3. Tramberend, H. (1999). Avocado: A distributed virtual reality framework. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, L. Rosenblum & P. A. & Detlef Teichmann, editors, 14 – 21, March 1999.