“Flexible Application Design Using VR Juggler” by Bierbaum, Just, Hartling and Cruz-Neira
Interest Area:
- VR / AR
- Flexible Application Design Using VR Juggler
Session/Category Title: Immersive Visualization
VR Juggler is an open-source virtual platform for VR application development. Its modular design offers developers a degree of flexibility that is not available in similar tools.
1. www.vrjuggler.org/
2. Bierbaum, A. & Just, C. (1998). Software tools for application development. ACM SIGGRAPH 98 Course Notes , 3.1-3.45.
3. Buschmann, F., Meunier, R., Rohnert, H., Sommerlad, P., & Stal, M. (1996). Pattern-oriented software architecture: A system of patterns.
4. Watsen, K. & Zyda, M. (1998). Bamboo – Supporting dynamic protocols for virtual environments. Proc. IMAGE 98.
5. Cruz-Neira, C. (1995). Virtual reality based on multiple projection screens: The C AVE and its applications to computational science and engineering. Doctoral disserta- tion, University of Illinois at Chicago.