“Build Your Own Glasses-Free 3D Display” by Lanman and Hirsch

  • ©Douglas Lanman and Matthew Hirsch



Entry Number: 06


    Build Your Own Glasses-Free 3D Display

Course Organizer(s):



    Some familiarity with Matlab, C/C++, OpenGL, and GLSL, although the course also functions as a brief, application-driven introduction to each of these tools. 

    Intended Audience
    Students and professionals who are interested in learning how to quickly construct glasses-free 3D displays for their own educational, artistic, and research purposes.    

    Driven by the recent resurgence of 3D cinema, depth cameras and stereoscopic displays are becoming commonplace in the consumer market. Introduced last October, Microsoft Kinect has already fostered gesture-based interaction for applications well beyond the intended Xbox 360 platform. Similarly, consumer electronics manufacturers have begun selling stereoscopic displays and inexpensive stereoscopic cameras. Most commercial 3D displays continue to require cumbersome eyewear, but inexpensive, glasses-free 3D displays are imminent with the release of the Nintendo 3DS. At SIGGRAPH 2010, the
    Build Your Own 3D Display course demonstrated how to construct both LCD shutter glasses and glasses-free lenticular screens, providing Matlab-based code for batch encoding of 3D imagery. This follow-up course focuses more narrowly on glasses-free displays, describing in greater detail the practical aspects of real-time, OpenGL-based encoding for such multi-view, spatially multiplexed displays. The course reviews historical and perceptual aspects, emphasizing the goal of achieving disparity, motion parallax, accommodation, and convergence cues without glasses. It summarizes state-of-the-art methods and areas of active research. And it provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to construct a lenticular display. The course concludes with an extended question-and-answer session, during which prototype hardware is available for inspection. 

Overview Page: