“Adaptable Setup For Performance Driven Facial Animation” by Helzle, Biehn, Linnner and Schlömer

  • ©Volker Helzle, Christoph Biehn, Florian Linnner, and Thomas Schlömer

  • ©Volker Helzle, Christoph Biehn, Florian Linnner, and Thomas Schlömer




    Adaptable Setup For Performance Driven Facial Animation

Session/Category Title:   Frowns, Smiles, Pouts



    The process for creating believable Facial animation is time consuming and tedious. We developed a tool-set, which dramatically reduces the time spent generating a high-quality facial animation setup with natural nonlinear skin deformations. The innovation in our approach consists of unusual employment of facial motion capture data and its adaptation.


    Ekman, P., Friesen, W. 1977. Facial Action Coding System. Consulting Psychologist Press.
    Parke, F., L., and Waters, K. 1996. Computer Facial Animation. A. K. Peters.

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