2018 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Bringing 3D Printing to the Classroom” by Winkel

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“VR and Education” by Mones-Hattal

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A (mostly) Platform-Agnostic Approach to Modern GPU APIs” by Shreiner

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Trial by Flyer: Building Quadcopters From Scratch in a Ten-Week Capstone Course” by Swanson

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“One Size Fits All: Designing for Socialization in Physical Computing” by Anton and Wilensky

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Stitching the Loop with Electronic Textiles” by Fields, Kafai, Lui, Walker, Shaw, et al. …

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Achieving Gender Balance through Creative Expression” by Bares, Manaris, McCauley and Moore

2020 Education Forums: Rehnberg_Deploying VR in a Science Museum: Lessons Learned

“Deploying VR in a Science Museum: Lessons Learned” by Rehnberg, Alford, Roberts, Boulton, Hofbauer, et al. …

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“XR for Everyone, Everywhere” by Layng, Herscher and Perlin

2020 Education Forums: Kenwright_Interactive Web-Based Programming through Game-Based Methodologies

“Interactive Web-Based Programming through Game-Based Methodologies” by Kenwright

2020 Education Forums: Jushchyshyn_GROOVY ASSIGNMENT: Immersive Dome Projection Media

“GROOVY ASSIGNMENT: Immersive Dome Projection Media” by Jushchyshyn and Mones-Hattal

2020 Education Forums: Goldman_School to Industry: Preparing for Change

“School to Industry: Preparing for Change” by Goldman, Berridge, Lainas and Tichenor

2020 Education Forums: Cole_Arts, Journalism, and Computer Science:

“Arts, Journalism, and Computer Science: Collaborations that advance our community” by Cole, Moser and Scoy

2020 Education Forums: Biggs_Educating the Next Generation of Animation Professionals

“Educating the Next Generation of Animation Professionals” by Biggs, Oropallo, Raymond, Hall and Reichenbach

2020 Education Forums: Berreth_Story-Go-Round

“Story-Go-Round Augmented Reality Storytelling in the Multidisciplinary Classroom” by Berreth, Polyak and Fitzgerald

2020 Education Forums: Beatty_Best Practices in Computer Classroom Layout

“Best Practices in Computer Classroom Layout” by Biggs, Leckman and Raymond

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“An Interactive Introduction to WebGL” by Angel and Shreiner

2019 Education Forums: Jushchyshyn_GROOVY ASSIGNMENT: THE VR RIDE

“Groovy assignment: the VR ride: a cross disciplinary assignment in computer graphics and interactivity” by Jushchyshyn, Lloyd and Sundquist

2019 Education Forums: Jushchyshyn_Approaches for Immersive Media Curriculum Implementation

“Approaches for Immersive Media Curriculum Implementation” by Duchowski, Jushchyshyn, McLaughlin and Woolverton

2019 Education Forums: Goldman_Preparing Students to Take the Next Step

“Preparing students to take the next step: school to work transition (demo reels and beyond)” by Goldman, Ockey, Tehbelian, Zavitsanos and Rodriguez

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