2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“SoundScapes: Non-formal learning potentials from Interactive VEs” by Brooks and Petersson

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Developing Educational Virtual Worlds with Game Engines” by Bendis

2007 Educators Forum: Bendis_Designing a Portable High-Definition Stereoscopic Camera System for Capturing Cultural Content

“Designing a Portable High-Definition Stereoscopic Camera System for Capturing Cultural Content” by Bendis

2007 Educators Forum: Bailey_A GPU Shader Programming Workshop

“A GPU Shader Programming Workshop” by Bailey and Cunningham

2007 Educators Forum: Anderson_Critters in the Classroom: A 3D Computer-Game-Like Tool for Teaching Programming to Computer Animation Students

“Critters in the Classroom: A 3D Computer-Game-Like Tool for Teaching Programming to Computer Animation Students” by Anderson and McLoughlin

2007 Educators Forum: bmtoionsonique_Interactive gaming tools, to acquire mouse control for illiterate and People with disability

“Interactive gaming tools, to acquire mouse control for illiterate and People with disability.” by Agravat

2007 Educators Forum: Agravat_Inputted text to Animated Sign Language, interactive interface, a Self-learning with fun.

“Inputted text to Animated Sign Language, interactive interface, a Self-learning with fun.” by Agravat

2007 Educators Forum: Villani_SMILE: an immersive learning game for deaf and hearing children

“SMILE: an immersive learning game for deaf and hearing children” by Adamo-Villani and Wright

2000 Educators Forum: Sutton_Painting Together Across the World: Collaborative NetPainting Between High School Students & Professional Artist

“Painting Together Across the World: Collaborative NetPainting Between High School Students & Professional Artist” by Sutton

2000 Educators Forum: Strader_A Project-Oriented Graphics Course

“A Project-Oriented Graphics Course” by Strader

2000 Educators Forum: Spitz_Teaching Computer Graphics in Brazil: Social Commitment, Creativity and Passion—Against All Odds!

“Teaching Computer Graphics in Brazil: Social Commitment, Creativity and Passion-Against All Odds!” by Spitz

“Interaction in an IVR Museum of Color” by Spalter, Stone, Meier, Miller and Simpson

2000 Educators Forum: Schwarz_Beyond the Walls: Redefining the Museum as an Educational New Media Publisher

“Beyond the Walls: Redefining the Museum as an Educational New Media Publisher” by Schwarz and Abt

2000 Educators Forum: Rowland_A Crash Course in CreativeDigital Media for the Community

“A Crash Course in Creative Digital Media for the Community” by Rowland

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Is There Any There There? Design and Implementation of Successful Team-Oriented Educational Environments for Computer Animators” by Mones-Hattal, Buckhouse, Niemeyer and Pausch

2000 Educators Forum: Johnson_QuickWorlds: Teacher Driven VR Worlds in an Elementary School Curriculum

“QuickWorlds: Teacher-Driven VR Worlds in an Elementary School Curriculum” by Johnson, Moher, Leigh and Lin

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Achieving Balance: The Challenges of Developing Web-Based Courseware” by Gray, Begley and Scinta

2000 Educators Forum: Encarnação_Developing a Curriculum on the Arts and Mechanics of New Media for an International Post Graduate Audience

“Developing a Curriculum on the Arts and Mechanics of New Media for an International Post Graduate Audience” by Encarnação

2000 Educators Forum: Ebert_A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Computer Animation Course

“A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Computer Animation Course” by Ebert and Bailey

“Projects for a Computer Graphics Programming Course” by Cunningham

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