2007 Educators Forum: Raffle_Jabberstamp: embedding sound and voice in traditional drawings

“Jabberstamp: embedding sound and voice in traditional drawings” by Raffle, Vaucelle, Wang and Ishii

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“openPipeline: Teaching and Implementing Animation Production Pipelines in an Academic Setting” by O’Neill, Mavroidis and Ho

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Lessons Learned from an ARTS / CS Game Design Collaboration” by Lorenzen

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Collaboration and Dialogue: Video as an Agent in Extending and Enriching Learning and Writing” by Liao

“Rear Window Redux: Learning From the Architecture in Hitchcock’s Film Using 3D Modeling and Animation.” by Knox

2007 Educators Forum: Kim_Artbotics: Community-Based Collaborative Art and Technology Education

“Artbotics: Community-Based Collaborative Art and Technology Education” by Kim, Coluntino, Martin, Silka and Yanco

2007 Educators Forum: Iwasa_Visualizing the Origins of Life: Molecular Animation for Scientific Research and Education

“Visualizing the Origins of Life: Molecular Animation for Scientific Research and Education” by Iwasa

2007 Educators Forum: Hatanaka_Integrating Digital Art Practice and Art History Studies

“Integrating Digital Art Practice and Art History Studies” by Hatanaka

2007 Educators Forum: Gumster_Red Hat High: Using Open Source Software in a Technology Camp

“Red Hat High: Using Open Source Software in a Technology Camp” by Gumster

2007 Educators Forum: Grant_MobiMissions: The Game of Missions for Mobile Phones

“MobiMissions: The Game of Missions for Mobile Phones” by Grant, Daanen, Benford, Drozd, Hampshire, et al. …

2007 Educators Forum: Glotzbach_RSS as a Course Information Delivery Method

“RSS as a Course Information Delivery Method” by Glotzbach, Mohler and Radwan

2007 Educators Forum: Flack_3-D Computer Visualisation and Animation in Clinical Care

“3-D Computer Visualisation and Animation in Clinical Care” by Flack and McGhee

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interactive Multimedia Oral Language Instruction for At-risk Students” by Dowdle and Vernon

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Graduate Level Course on Real-Time Medical Graphics” by Domik

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Play to Learn II: Developing Educational Games for Museums” by Din

2007 Educators Forum: Dietz_The Animatronics Workshop

“The Animatronics Workshop” by Dietz and Dietz

2007 Educators Forum: Daanen_Space Mission: Ice Moon

“Space Mission: Ice Moon” by Daanen and Grant

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Fountaineers” by Daanen and Lee

2007 Educators Forum: Daanen_Fizzees

“Fizzees (Physical Electronic Energisers)” by Daanen, Lee and Sutch

2007 Educators Forum: Chen_Active learning to Interactive Design: The Rise of Web Rich Media to Engage Art Dialogue

“Active learning to Interactive Design: The Rise of Web Rich Media to Engage Art Dialogue” by Chen

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