2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Right Brain/Left Brain: Balancing Digital Art Curricula” by Wands

2006 Educators Forum: Tori_Teaching Introductory Computer Graphics Using Java 3D, Games and Customized Software: a Brazilian Experience

“Teaching Introductory Computer Graphics Using Java 3D, Games and Customized Software: a Brazilian Experience” by Tori, Bernardes Jr. and Nakamura

2006 Educators Forum: Tettegah_Can Virtual Reality Simulations be used as a Research Tool to StudyEmpathy, Problems Solving and Perspective Taking of Educators? Theory, Method and Application

“Can Virtual Reality Simulations be used as a Research Tool to Study Empathy, Problems Solving and Perspective Taking of Educators? Theory, Method and Application” by Tettegah, Taylor, Whang, Meistninkas and Chamot

2006 Educators Forum: TAKAHASHI_contents simulation by supported observation with program learning on Proposal

“Proposal on learning program with observation supported by simulation contents” by Takahashi, Wakabayashi, Aoki and Watanabe

2006 Educators Forum: Stephenson_Increasing Student Retention in Computer Science through Research Programs for Undergraduates

“Increasing Student Retention in Computer Science through Research Programs for Undergraduates” by Stephenson, Peckham, Hervé, Hutt and Encarnação

2006 Educators Forum: Steed_Attribute Activation: An Approach for Learning Visual Representation

“Attribute Activation: An Approach for Learning Visual Representation” by Steed

2006 Educators Forum: Spalter_The Graphics Teaching Tool

“The Graphics Teaching Tool” by Spalter and Tenneson

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The JASON Project” by Shea

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Kid’s Programming Language (KPL)” by Schwartz, Stagner and Morrison

2006 Educators Forum: Schrier_Using Augmented Reality Games to Teach 21st Century Skills

“Using Augmented Reality Games to Teach 21st Century Skills” by Schrier

2006 Educators Forum: Rankin_Playing for Keeps: Gaming as a Language Learning Tool

“Playing for Keeps: Gaming as a Language Learning Tool” by Rankin, Gold and Gooch

2006 Educators Forum: Raffle_Kinesthetic media

“Kinesthetic media touch, toys & interactive materials” by Raffle

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Student Opportunities; Industry Scholarship, Internship and Apprenticeship” by McCullough, Young, Marvel and Schaen

2006 Educators Forum: Moriyama_Next Generation of digital art – current situation and student works in Japan

“Next Generation of digital art – current situation and student works in Japan” by Moriyama

2006 Educators Forum: Morales_Immersive Chemistry Video Game

“Immersive Chemistry Video Game” by Morales, Weaver, Maicher and Danforth

2006 Educators Forum: Meirelles_A framework for teaching fundamentals of time-based design

“A framework for teaching fundamentals of time-based design” by Meirelles

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Issues in Computer Graphics Education” by McCracken

2006 Educators Forum: Matzko_Using Graphics Research to Teach Freshman Computer Science

“Using Graphics Research to Teach Freshman Computer Science” by Matzko and Davis

2006 Educators Forum: Lewis_Designing Collaborative Interdisciplinary CG Experiences in the Curriculum

“Designing Collaborative Interdisciplinary CG Experiences in the Curriculum” by Lewis, Palazzi, Parent, Tarantino and Zuniga-Shaw

2006 Educators Forum: Lee_Enhancing Interface Design Using Attentive Interaction Design Toolkit

“Enhancing Interface Design Using Attentive Interaction Design Toolkit” by Lee, Wetzel and Selker

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