2003 Educators Forum: Kuan_Constructivist Physics Learning in an Immersive, Multi-User Hot Air Balloon Simulation Program (iHABS)

“Constructivist Physics Learning in an Immersive, Multi-User Hot Air Balloon Simulation Program (iHABS)” by Kuan and San

2003 Educators Forum: Kalantari_Polynomiography and Applications in Art, Education, and Science

“Polynomiography and Applications in Art, Education, and Science” by Kalantari

2003 Educators Forum: Johnson_‘Field’ Work

“‘Field’ Work” by Johnson, Moher, Cho, Edelson and Russell

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The Science of Images: A Cross-disciplinary Introduction to the Field of 3-D Computer Graphics” by Hunkins and Levine

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Producing a Real-World Student Group Project” by Hogarth, Zimmerman, Sylvester and Curry

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Imparting Non-Technical Skills in Digital Media Students” by Mott and Scroggins

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The Importance of Non-Technical Skills in Highend Visual Effects Careers” by Gladstone, Delahaye, Pashkoff, Szymanski and Orloff

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Blender as an Educational Tool” by Gumster

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The Future of Computer Animation Education” by Falk, Havoras, Scaduto-Mendola, Joel, Pepi, et al. …

2003 Educators Forum: Figueiredo_CGEMS – Computer Graphics Educational Materials Server

“CGEMS – Computer Graphics Educational Materials Serve” by Figueiredo, Eber and Jorge

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Computer Simulation Technology and Teaching and Learning Interior Lighting Design” by Feng

2003 Educators Forum: DiPaola_A Social Metaphor-based 3D Virtual Environment

“A Social Metaphor-based 3D Virtual Environment” by DiPaola and Collins

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Game Development & Design: Curricular Changes” by Rocca and Buchanon

2003 Educators Forum: Daviault_Forum: A New Approach for the Production of Educational Content

“Forum: A New Approach for the Production of Educational Content” by Daviault and Coelho

2003 Educators Forum: Brutzman_X3D-Edit Authoring for Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics

“X3D-Edit Authoring for Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics” by Brutzman

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Developing a CD-ROM to Teach Ceramics” by Bendis

2003 Educators Forum: Abinader_Moving Clocks and Bending Space: A Learning/Interactive Museum Environment (LIME)

“Moving Clocks and Bending Space: A Learning/Interactive Museum Environment (LIME)” by Abinader, Stein and Lenore

2006 Educators Forum: William_Stereoscopic Visualization of Scientific and Medical Content

“Stereoscopic Visualization of Scientific and Medical Content” by William and Bailey

2006 Educators Forum: Whittington_Teaching Strategies and Assessment Measures for Rapidly Changing Technology Programs

“Teaching Strategies and Assessment Measures for Rapidly Changing Technology Programs” by Whittington and Nankivell

2006 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Seeing The Unseen: Visualization in Education” by West, Uhl and Martinez

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