2004 Educators Forum: Chapman_Leonardo and Lord of the Rings: Ray Tracing in the age of Renaissance

“Leonardo and Lord of the Rings: Ray Tracing in the age of Renaissance” by Chapman

2004 Educators Forum: Borgatti_Databases and Virtual Environments: a Good Match for Communicating Complex Cultural Sites

“Databases and Virtual Environments: a Good Match for Communicating Complex Cultural Sites” by Borgatti, Calori, Diamanti, Felicori, Guidazzoli, et al. …

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The Computer Arts: Origins and Contexts” by Brown

2004 Educators Forum: Border_Teaching Physics by Designing Games

“Teaching Physics by Designing Games” by Border

2004 Educators Forum: Bendito_Motionary: A Dictionary of Meaning in Motion

“Motionary: A Dictionary of Meaning in Motion” by Bendito

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The Technological Imperative of Contemporary Art & Design Studies” by Barry

2004 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Designing the New Memory Space for Cultural Heritage” by Aytes

2004 Educators Forum: Alberti_Genova 2004: a Test-Bed for Industrial Design Students to Integrate Cultural Content and Information Technologies in Cross-Media Platforms°

“Genova 2004: a Test-Bed for Industrial Design Students to Integrate Cultural Content and Information Technologies in Cross-Media Platforms” by Alberti, Brogi and Trapani

2003 Educators Forum: Yeh_VRMath - An Environment for Knowledge Construction of 3D Geometry Concepts and Processes in Virtual Reality Microworlds

“VRMath – An Environment for Knowledge Construction of 3D Geometry Concepts and Processes in Virtual Reality Microworlds” by Yeh and Nason

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Sharing Ideas for Teaching Web 3D” by Williams and Brutzman

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The Process of Effective Critiques” by Whittington

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Panel: Getting the Word Out: How to Publish in the 3D World” by Niles, Hill and Thacker

2003 Educators Forum: Taxén_Teaching Computer Graphics Constructively

“Teaching Computer Graphics Constructively” by Taxén

2003 Educators Forum: Tan_Animating Art History: Building a Bridge Between Disciplines

“Animating Art History: Building a Bridge Between Disciplines” by Tan, Tarbell and Wuilfe

2003 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Top-Down Approach to Teaching Introductory Computer Graphics” by Sung and Shirley

2003 Educators Forum: Smith_ROVer Ranch: A 3-D Learning Environment for K-12

“ROVer Ranch: A 3-D Learning Environment for K-12” by Smith

2003 Educators Forum: Perry_Group-Based Animation and Higher Education

“Group-Based Animation and Higher Education” by Curtis, Mones-Hattal, Hunt and McKee



2003 Educators Forum: Moher_Designing Digital Phenomenaria: The Bee Dance

“Designing Digital Phenomenaria: The Bee Dance” by Moher, Haas, Kim and Johnson

2003 Educators Forum: Lee_Computer Graphics and Theatre

“Computer Graphics and Theatre” by Lee

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