2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“GPU Hardware Fundamentals” by Lawless

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Curriculum Matters: Melding Art + Computer Science” by Brunvand, Conrad, Starrett, Reas and Reiser

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Discussion – CGEMS Working Group” by Duchowski

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Industry Perspectives: Preparing Students for Careers” by Clewlow, Kung, Lainas, Lanman and Goldman

2016 Image Not Available

“Education Committee Open Forum” by Alford

2016 Image Not Available

“Teaching Computer Graphics inside a Browser: WebGL and three.js” by Cozzi, Haines and Shreiner

2016 Image Not Available

“CS + X : Cross Campus Collaborations” by Brucker-Cohen, Goldman, McGuire, Weishar and Brunvand

2016 Image Not Available

“Maker Movement Meets Formal Education” by Littell-Herrick, Knochel, Reiser, Walker and Cays

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Emerging 4D Graphics for Math and Science Education” by Abraham, Miller and Miller

2005 Educators Forum: Villani_Sign Language Subtitling

“Sign Language Subtitling” by Adamo-Villani and Beni

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“We are too small to do that: Challenges and opportunities of computer graphics education in small art departments” by Aoki, Bac, Case and McDonald

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Virtual Environment based Parachute Descent Simulator” by Avis

2005 Educators Forum: Back_The Convertible Podium: A rich media teaching tool for next-generation classrooms

“The Convertible Podium: A rich media teaching tool for next-generation classrooms” by Back, Lertsithichai, Chiu, Foote, Kimber, et al. …

2005 Educators Forum: Balcisoy_Creating Virtual Environments in a Multidisciplinary Classroom

“Creating Virtual Environments in a Multidisciplinary Classroom” by Balcisoy and Ayiter

2005 Educators Forum: Bendis_‘Pocket’ Virtual Worlds – Get off your chair and explore them!

“‘Pocket’ Virtual Worlds – Get off your chair and explore them!” by Bendis and Hatch

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Inquiry-Based Honors Physics Labs” by Border, Batell and McCoy

2005 Educators Forum: Burton_Moovl

“Moovl” by Burton and Gould

2005 Educators Forum: Chavez_Avatar Teachers - CLONE3D and NTU/SADM

“Avatar Teachers – CLONE3D and NTU/SADM” by Chavez

2005 Educators Forum: Doswell_It’s Virtually Pedagogical: Pedagogical Agents in Mixed Reality Learning Environments

“It’s Virtually Pedagogical: Pedagogical Agents in Mixed Reality Learning Environments” by Doswell

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Reframing Co-op Professional Partnership Program An Alternative Real World Experience within a Digital Arts & Design Environment” by Faust

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